Diversen Container 8 cub -stock id C143 container med kroghejs

Diversen  Container 8 cub -stock id C143 container med kroghejs - Autoline
Diversen  Container 8 cub -stock id C143 container med kroghejs | Billede 1 - Autoline
Diversen  Container 8 cub -stock id C143 container med kroghejs | Billede 2 - Autoline
Diversen  Container 8 cub -stock id C143 container med kroghejs | Billede 3 - Autoline
Diversen  Container 8 cub -stock id C143 container med kroghejs | Billede 4 - Autoline
Er du interesseret i reklamen?
2.500 €
≈ 18.650 kr.
Kontakt sælgeren
Sted: Belgien Willebroek7583 km fra dig
Identifikationsnummer på forhandlerinventar: C143
Oprettelsesdato: 17. mar. 2025
Tilstand: brugte
Yderligere serviceydelser

Flere oplysninger — Diversen Container 8 cub -stock id C143 container med kroghejs

Gældende materiale: Jord
moms/margin: Moms fradragsberettiget

= Forhandleroplysninger =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
Container 8 Cub – 4.5 m x 2 m x 0.90 m –

= More information =

Applicable material: Earth
VAT/margin: VAT qualifying
Please contact Miguel Cubas for more information

= Dealer information =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
Container 8 Cub – 4.5 m x 2 m x 0.90 m –

= Weitere Informationen =

Verwendbares Material: Boden
Mehrwertsteuer/Differenzbesteuerung: Mehrwertsteuer abzugsfähig
Wenden Sie sich an Miguel Cubas, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.

= Firmeninformationen =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
Container 8 Cub – 4.5 m x 2 m x 0.90 m –

= Más información =

Material de aplicación: Tierra
IVA/margen: IVA deducible
Póngase en contacto con Miguel Cubas para obtener más información.

= Información de la empresa =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
Container 8 Cub – 4.5 m x 2 m x 0.90 m –

= Plus d'informations =

Matériel d'application: Terre
TVA/marge: TVA déductible
Veuillez contacter Miguel Cubas pour plus d'informations

= Information sur la société =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
Container 8 Cub – 4.5 m x 2 m x 0.90 m –

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
Container 8 Cub – Binnen afmetingen 4.5 m x 2 m x 0.90 m –

= Meer informatie =

Toepassingsmateriaal: Grond
BTW/marge: BTW verrekenbaar voor ondernemers
Neem voor meer informatie contact op met Miguel Cubas

= Bedrijfsinformatie =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
Zastosowany materiał: Ziemia
VAT/marża: Możliwość odliczenia podatku VAT

= Informacje o przedsiębiorstwie =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
Container 8 Cub – 4.5 m x 2 m x 0.90 m –

= Mais informações =

Material aplicável: Terra
IVA/margem: IVA elegível

= Informações do concessionário =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
Используемый материал: Земля
НДС/маржа: С вычетом НДС

= Информация о дилере =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
Applikationsmaterial: Mark
Moms/marginal: Avdragsgill moms för företagare

= Information om företaget =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel vis kontakter
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